The process of reserving apartment and signing lease:

We recommend you contact us to view the apartment before signing the lease.  But each year about 70% of our apartments are reserved online. We do our best to present our apartment to our customer and smooth the process.


If you are in Montreal, we will sign the lease at the building. You need to provide one photo ID, like passport, driver license, and pay the first month rent by check, cash, or e-transfer while we are signing the lease.


If you are not in Montreal, the procedure is

  1. You confirm the apartment you want by email, and send us your photo ID, like passport, driver license.
  2. We will prepare and scan the lease. Then send you the scanned lease, building bylaw, and rent deposit instruction to you.
  3. Please review the lease and building bylaw and sign them.
  4. After these document are signed, please scan it, or photo and process with phone app, such camscan and then send them back to us by email.
  5. Please send us the first month rent to secure the lease within 3 days after you send us the lease. If you have any problems for transferring the first month rent, please contact us. Fail to send us the first month rent in this period, we could not guaranty the apartment for you.
  6. After receiving your signed lease and building bylaw, we will review them and confirm with you by email.


After your successful sign and reserve the apartment, we recommend you to read the Moving section at this website. It contains some important information while you live in the building.